Simulating Transactions
Simulating transactions allows you to preview the cost and effect of submitting a transaction without paying fees. You can use this to estimate fees, test a transaction, or to check what the output might be.
To simulate a transaction, you must pass in a transaction and which account would be the signer:
// transfer_coin is an example of how to make a coin transfer transaction in the simplest possible way
package main
import (
const FundAmount = 100_000_000
const TransferAmount = 1_000
// example This example shows you how to make an APT transfer transaction in the simplest possible way
func example(networkConfig aptos.NetworkConfig) {
// Create a client for Aptos
client, err := aptos.NewClient(networkConfig)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to create client:" + err.Error())
// Create accounts locally for alice and bob
alice, err := aptos.NewEd25519Account()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to create alice:" + err.Error())
bob, err := aptos.NewEd25519Account()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to create bob:" + err.Error())
fmt.Printf("\n=== Addresses ===\n")
fmt.Printf("Alice: %s\n", alice.Address.String())
fmt.Printf("Bob:%s\n", bob.Address.String())
// Fund the sender with the faucet to create it on-chain
err = client.Fund(alice.Address, FundAmount)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to fund alice:" + err.Error())
aliceBalance, err := client.AccountAPTBalance(alice.Address)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to retrieve alice balance:" + err.Error())
bobBalance, err := client.AccountAPTBalance(bob.Address)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to retrieve bob balance:" + err.Error())
fmt.Printf("\n=== Initial Balances ===\n")
fmt.Printf("Alice: %d\n", aliceBalance)
fmt.Printf("Bob:%d\n", bobBalance)
// 1. Build transaction
accountBytes, err := bcs.Serialize(&bob.Address)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to serialize bob's address:" + err.Error())
amountBytes, err := bcs.SerializeU64(TransferAmount)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to serialize transfer amount:" + err.Error())
rawTxn, err := client.BuildTransaction(alice.AccountAddress(), aptos.TransactionPayload{
Payload: &aptos.EntryFunction{
Module: aptos.ModuleId{
Address: aptos.AccountOne,
Name: "aptos_account",
Function: "transfer",
ArgTypes: []aptos.TypeTag{},
Args: [][]byte{
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to build transaction:" + err.Error())
// 2. Simulate transaction
// This is useful for understanding how much the transaction will cost
// and to ensure that the transaction is valid before sending it to the network
// This is optional, but recommended
simulationResult, err := client.SimulateTransaction(rawTxn, alice)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to simulate transaction:" + err.Error())
fmt.Printf("\n=== Simulation ===\n")
fmt.Printf("Gas unit price: %d\n", simulationResult[0].GasUnitPrice)
fmt.Printf("Gas used: %d\n", simulationResult[0].GasUsed)
fmt.Printf("Total gas fee: %d\n", simulationResult[0].GasUsed*simulationResult[0].GasUnitPrice)
fmt.Printf("Status: %s\n", simulationResult[0].VmStatus)
func main() {
Look here to see the full example of how to build, simulate, and submit a transaction.
You can also learn how to simulate more advanced transactions by looking at the following guides:
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