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BuildIndexerIndexer SDKQuickstart Guide

Quickstart Guide on Aptos Indexer SDK

What to expect from this guide

This guide will walk you through setting up and running a Rust processor to index events on the Aptos blockchain into PostgreSQL. We provide a template processor that you can customize to index events from your custom contracts. By the end of the guide, you should have a basic understanding of how a processor works and be able to customize the processor for your indexing needs.

Getting started

To get started, clone the aptos-indexer-processors-example repo.


Processors consume transactions from the Transaction Stream Service. In order to use the Labs-Hosted Transaction Stream Service you need an authorization token. Follow this guide to guide to get a token from the Developer Portal. Create an API Key for Testnet, as this tutorial is for Testnet. Once you’re done, you should have a token that looks like this:


You also need the following tools:

We use PostgreSQL as our database and Diesel as our ORM in this tutorial. You’re free to use whatever you want, but this tutorial is geared towards PostgreSQL for the sake of simplicity. We use the following database configuration and tools:

PostgreSQL Installation (for macOS)

  1. brew install libpq (this is a postgres C API library). Also perform all export commands post-installation
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/libpq/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/libpq/include"
  1. brew install postgres
  2. pg_ctl -D /opt/homebrew/var/postgres start or brew services start postgresql
  3. /opt/homebrew/bin/createuser -s postgres
  4. Ensure you’re able to do: psql postgres
  5. cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  6. Make sure that you’re in the DB folder (run cd src/db/postgres from base directory), run diesel migration run --database-url postgresql://localhost/postgres a. If for some reason this database is already being used, try a different db. e.g. DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/indexer_v2 diesel database reset
  • We will use a database hosted on localhost on the port 5432, which should be the default.
  • When you create your username, keep track of it and the password you use for it.
  • To easily view your database data, consider using a GUI like DBeaver recommended, pgAdmin, or Postico.

Setting up your environment

Make sure to start the postgresql service:

The command for Linux/WSL might be something like:

sudo service postgresql start

For mac, if you’re using brew, start it up with:

brew services start postgresql

Configuring your processor

Now let’s set up the configuration details for the actual indexer processor we’re going to use.

Set up your config.yaml file

In the example repo, there is a sample config.yaml file that should look something like this:

health_check_port: 8085
    type: "events_processor"
    indexer_grpc_data_service_address: ""
    starting_version: 0
    # request_ending_version: 10000
    auth_token: "AUTH_TOKEN"
    request_name_header: "events-processor"
    postgres_connection_string: postgresql://postgres:@localhost:5432/example

Open the config.yaml file and update these fields:

  • auth_token - the auth token you got from the Developer Portal
  • postgres_connection_string - connection string to your PostgreSQL database

More customization with config.yaml

You can customize additional configuration with the config.yaml file.

To start at a specific ledger version, you can specify the version in the config.yaml file with:

starting_version: <Starting Version>

To stop processing at a specific ledger version, you can specify the ending version with:

request_ending_version: <Ending Version>

If you want to use a different network, change the indexer_grpc_data_service_address field to the corresponding desired value:

# Devnet
# Testnet
# Mainnet

Explanation of the processor

At a high level, each processor is responsible for receiving a stream of transactions, parsing and transforming the relevant data, and storing the data into a database.

Defining the events database model

In src/db/postgres/ , you will see events table which has the following schema:

diesel::table! {
    events (transaction_version, event_index) {
        sequence_number -> Int8,
        creation_number -> Int8,
        #[max_length = 66]
        account_address -> Varchar,
        transaction_version -> Int8,
        transaction_block_height -> Int8,
        #[sql_name = "type"]
        type_ -> Text,
        data -> Jsonb,
        inserted_at -> Timestamp,
        event_index -> Int8,
        #[max_length = 300]
        indexed_type -> Varchar,

The events schema represents the data that this processor is indexing. This file is an autogenerated from the database migrations. In the next section, we’ll go over how these migrations are run.

There are two other important tables:

  • ledger_infos which tracks the chain id of the ledger being indexed
  • processor_status which tracks the last_success_version of the processor

Defining the events processor

The file src/processors/events/ contains the code which defines the events processor. Inside of run_processor there are a few key components:

  1. First, we setup the processor:
    1. run_migrations automatically runs the database migrations defined in src/db/postgres/migrations
    2. We merge the starting version in config.yaml and the processor_status.last_success_version in the database to get the final starting version for the processor. This allows us to restart the processor from a previously processed version.
    3. We check the ledger_infos.chain_id to make sure the processor is indexing the correct chain
  2. Next, we instantiate the processor steps. Here we explain the purpose of each step:
    1. TransactionStreamStep provides a stream of transactions to the processor
    2. EventsExtractor extracts events data from each transaction
    3. EventsStorer inserts the extracted events into the events table
    4. LatestVersionTracker keeps track of the latest processed version and updates the processor_status table
  3. Lastly, we connect the processor steps together.
    1. ProcessorBuilder::new_with_inputless_first_step takes in the first step of the processor. In most cases, the first step is a TransactionStreamStep .
    2. The rest of the steps are connected with connect_to. connect_to creates a channel between the steps so the output of one step becomes the input of the next step.
    3. And then we end the builder with end_and_return_output_receiver.

Running the processor

With the config.yaml you created earlier, you’re ready to run the events processor:

cd aptos-indexer-processor-example
cargo run --release -- -c config.yaml

You should see the processor start to index Aptos blockchain events!

{"timestamp":"2024-08-15T01:06:35.169217Z","level":"INFO","message":"[Transaction Stream] Received transactions from GRPC.","stream_address":"","connection_id":"5575cb8c-61fb-498f-aaae-868d1e8773ac","start_version":0,"end_version":4999,"start_txn_timestamp_iso":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z","end_txn_timestamp_iso":"2022-09-09T01:49:02.023089000Z","num_of_transactions":5000,"size_in_bytes":5708539,"duration_in_secs":0.310734,"tps":16078,"bytes_per_sec":18371143.80788713,"filename":"/Users/reneetso/.cargo/git/checkouts/aptos-indexer-processor-sdk-2f3940a333c8389d/e1e1bdd/rust/transaction-stream/src/","line_number":400,"threadName":"tokio-runtime-worker","threadId":"ThreadId(6)"}
{"timestamp":"2024-08-15T01:06:35.257756Z","level":"INFO","message":"Events version [0, 4999] stored successfully","filename":"src/processors/events/","line_number":75,"threadName":"tokio-runtime-worker","threadId":"ThreadId(10)"}
{"timestamp":"2024-08-15T01:06:35.257801Z","level":"INFO","message":"Finished processing events from versions [0, 4999]","filename":"src/processors/events/","line_number":90,"threadName":"tokio-runtime-worker","threadId":"ThreadId(17)"}

Customizing the processor

In most cases, you want to index events from your own contracts. The example processor offers a good starting point to creating your own custom processor.

To customize the processor to index events from your custom contract, you can make change in these places:

  • EventsExtractor

    • In process(), you can filter by specific event types and extract specific event data from your custom contract
  • EventsStorer

    • If you need to change the database model, you can generate a new database migration by going to src/db/postgres and running
    diesel migration generate {migration_name} 
    • Add your migration changes to up.sql and down.sql, then run
    diesel migration run --database-url={YOUR_DATABASE_URL}

    to update

    • And then update the EventsStorer.process() to handle storing the events data to the updated database model
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